Hi Armel & all!
>phpMyAdmin 2.2.1 is in production on free.fr (french
>provider, free hosting, etc.).
Great :) Do you know if Online.fr also use PMA 2.2.1?
To all: what about to roll a 2.2.2-rc1 during the week-end?
Because an important security improvement has been commited
since 2.2.1: "stduser" no long need to have the "select" priv. on the
"password" column of the "mysql.user" table.
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Hi Robin & List!
>I recall seeing phpMyAdmin mentioned on a news site
Maybe the php foundry page from SourceForge?
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Hi Robin & List!
>Could we possibly get around this by setting/unsetting the
>register_globals in the config.inc.php3 ?
Yep we may but we also need to set/unset "track_vars" in this
case (if possible ie php < 4.0.3).
Nevertheless we will then face an other other problem: the
secure solution is to set "register_globals" to "off", "track_vars"
to "on" and to use "session_register($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['my_var'])"... as
soon as php < 4.1.0 because since those bugs
will be fixed in 4.1.0 we must use "session_register('my_var')"
with this version.
Else we may set "register_globals" to "on" but this is far less
secure :(
>We would still need the stduser account to get the database
>list. SHOW GRANTS does not show databases that everybody
>has access to. It only shows databases where explict rights
>have been granted to the user.
Right :(
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Hi List!
Ok for session but as to me they are still quite buggy :(
For example, with "track_vars" set:
1. Just try to set register_globals to "off" (it's the
recomended value) and you'll face a really annoying bug that
exists from php 4.0.1-pl1 to the current 4.0.6 version (it seems
to be fixed in the current cvs for the 4.1.0 version) :
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS is not updated when you use
2. No set register_globals to "on" and you will see that
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS is not more updated (while it should
because "track_vars" is on).
See also php bug reports #5329, #11861, #12600.... and users notes at this
url: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php
In a few words it means it will be very hard to know "which" session data to
>session-based, customized login panel, session id propagated by URL
>(still use stduser?)
Hum, how can we skip "stduser" ? The problem is not related to session
IMHO but to the MySQL version: if 3.23.4+ we may skip "stduser" since
the "SHOW GRANTS" MySQL statement is usable, else there is no better
way than "stduser" to get the user privileges.
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Hi again!
I need some help/opinions on bug #474943.
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Hello. Just got the SourceForge newsletter, and this part is
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Well, I guess it's not necessary to make any further comment... :-)
This is just some more good publicity about PMA sent to only 282,350 users :)
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch
Joshua, could you test the last cvs version please: I've just commited
a patch that may fix the problem.
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Hi Joshua & List!
Well, I've just tried to reproduce the problem with the 2.2.1 revision
and.... it crashes Apache :(
Could you submut a bug report cause I'm a afraid there is another
problem with binaries :(
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Hi all!
A user of 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 came to me today because the edit row page kept on coming up incomplete. Only part of the HTML was output. It seamed to stop just before a certain field was being displayed. Further investigation shows that the HTML output varies. Sometimes more of the <option>'s tags would be listed and sometimes not for the same row.
I've tried this with 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 on MySQL 3.23.31 and 3.23.42 with the same results. I've tried it with 2.1.0 and I didn't have a problem, except the editing binary data problem. :o)
Here is a mysqldump of the table and one row.
http://www.iberkshires.com/~josh/iberk_test.dump.gz (9k)
Can someone else try to recreate this? If so please tell me I'm not insane. =)