Hi all, I am Kasun Lakpriya from Univesity of Moratuwa, SriLanka. I am following a BSc in Computer Science and Engineering and now I am in my final year. I have participated in 2010 Google Summer of Code and worked for Apache Software Foundation's Directory project. My work with mentor can be found here [1]. I have PHP, MySQL knowledge and unit testing knowledge in Java.
While I am going though some interested projects I found phpMyAdmin wiki has some interested ideas. I am very much interested about the second idea [2].
I installed Git and cloned the phpMyAdmin module to my Ubuntu 9.10 machine and had a look into some of the code. And now I am looking into Selenium tests. I would like to work with you all to get familiar with the code-base.
Your ideas are welcome to get me started with phpMyAdmin!
Thank you, Kasun
[1] - http://code.google.com/p/dirstudio-ldap-tooling/ [2] - http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2011_Ideas_List#Automated_testing
On 15-01-11 09:39, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
Playing around with the latest git version is a good start. The tests that are currently available are somewhat outdated, but it would get you started.
If you really would like to get your hands dirty you could try to get them running properly again.
Thanks you Herman, I will try to get the existing tests run first.
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl wrote:
Hi Herman, Seems tests are going to work again. I installed required packages and was able to pass some test cases. Is there a raised issue regarding test coverage? I looked into issues and could not find one. If there is some thing like I can add a comment and ask something unclear when ever I need some help. Could you please create one if there is not existing one?
Thanks and Regards, Kasun
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl wrote:
Hi, I am still trying to get all the tests run in PMA.
Here are some details and problems I have ATM.
- Tests Passing (With minor issues) PMA_printableBitValue_test.php - .. PMA_SQL_parser_test.php - ..... PMA_generateCommonUrl_test.php - ...... Environment_test.php - .II PMA_get_real_size_test.php - ..... PMA_sanitize_test.php - .... PMA_foreignKeySupported_test.php - ... PMA_pow_test.php - ..S PMA_SQL_parser_data_test.php - ..... PMA_escapeMySqlWildcards_test.php - ................ PMA_escapeJsString_test.php - .... PMA_cache_test.php - .... PMA_isValid_test.php - ................... PMA_transformation_getOptions_test.php - ..... PMA_blowfish_test.php - ..FF - I think encrypt and decrypt methods have been re-factered after these tests. PMA_ifSetOr_test.php - .... FailTest.php - ok
- Tests Passing (Selenium) PmaSeleniumPrivilegesTest.php - ok PmaSeleniumXssTest.php - ok
- Failing Tests PmaSeleniumLoginTest.php with this server log http://pastie.org/1492272
I googled but could not find a solution.
And other remaining tests (non-selenium) are also failing saying "Undefined variable: _SESSION"
I am running tests on Ubuntu10.10 and xampp-linux-1.7.3a. I think I am missing some thing. Can you help me to get this working?
Thanks and regards, Kasun On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl wrote:
On 21-01-11 16:06, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
I've just opened https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3170421&group_id=23...
On 24-01-11 12:03, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
It's hard to read from that log what happens. What is you single step such a test. Can you see valid credentials being input into the login form?
Are you running tests from the command line or via http?
Sorry for the delay.
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl wrote:
Thanks Herman.
Yes, I can see the 'username' and 'password' for phpMyAdmin is being input to the form as I configured in "config.sample.inc.php" file. * Sorry, I did not understand above "What is you single step such a test."
From command line.
Sorry for the delay.
No problem. I was just wondering why there is no response. :-)
Thanks and Regards, Kasun
On 03-02-11 05:49, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
You can also open selenium tests manually using the browser plug-in. The you can make it do one step at a time or run really slow. This way you might get more visual feedback on what's going on.
It's not strange for _SESSION be missing when running from the command line. But as I'm not getting this error it's hard to tell where the problem lies.
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl wrote:
Yes, I wrote a new selenium test for PMA login and tested it worked fine both in browser plug-in and in command line as well. Since the existing tests are in php I could not run them in browser plug-in before. I think the problem is in the existing old test cases. BTW I think that I can check remaining and be able get them work soon.
selenium we can't run them via http? Am I wrong?
These are not selenium tests and I still trying to figure out the problem.
But as I'm not getting this error it's hard to tell where the problem lies.
Hi Herman,
Although I have some issues with some unit tests I submitted a patch [1] with what I was capable to fix so that after your feedback I can move on. Please have a look and give your feedback.
Another thing I noticed in the mailing-list was about a new interface testing tool called sahi [2]. The mail was sent by Michal and I had a look into it and seems it is a nice tool and we can easily improve the test coverage.
Thanks and Regards, Kasun
[1] - https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3177028&group_id=23... [2] - http://sahi.co.in/w/
Dne Thu, 10 Feb 2011 09:46:38 +0530 Kasun Lakpriya kasun.lakpriya86@gmail.com napsal(a):
Please note that I have no personal experience with it, so it should be first checked if it really works as presented :-).
Hi Michal,
I tried an example and it works fine for me in both Firefox and Chrome.
One major thing I noticed about Sahi is its browser independence not like selenium. So if you all too can have a look I think we can go ahead with Sahi so that the people not using Firefox too can run Sahi scripts and test the code, I think. So testing too can go parallel with the improvements of PMA.
All your help and guidance will very much helpful for me to work with you all.
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Michal Čihař michal@cihar.com wrote:
On 22-02-11 10:12, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
Are you aware that selenium also supports multiple browsers? http://seleniumhq.org/about/platforms.html#browsers
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl wrote:
Firefox we cannot. Thank you!