Hi Arnor!
(You did not post your reply to the mailinglist, so I'll do that)
So the code looks better. Is that a good enough reason?
Yes, it is. A maintainable code is very important, else no new developers can easily get into the project. It makes bugs also easier to spot and better to fix.
It's like documentation: You don't need it if you know the code by heart. But having it, helps all other people a lot.
It's actually been a few years since I discarded smarty as clunky, unproductive and conter-intuitive so it might have improved a bit through the years, but to me, especially when you're trying to modify smarty-based code, it slows you down a lot. But I realize now that I might not have an updated brain.
I hated Smarty 2-3 years ago as well because I thought exactly that, and that it's unneccessary and much hassle. But I learnt to appreciate it a lot in the past. It makes coding much more fun, if it doesn't hurt the eye to have various <?php and ?> tags and HTML spread all over the code.
Smarty is a lot like OO programming: You don't NEED it, and in small projects it's hard overhead. But once you get used to it and can use the advantages of it, you can't ignore it any more. :-)
Best regards and thanks for your feedback, Garvin
- -- Garvin Hicking | Web-Entwickler | Make me happy: www.supergarv.de | #ICQ 21392242 | http://wishes.garv.info/