- lib.inc.php3: the function remove_remarks() is bugged because if a string contains a '#' in a string, it is considered as a comment. As stated in bug #444279.
I already said that comments need not being stripped off queries. Mysql works just fine if you give it all the comments. No need removing them (as is was in my version).
do you know if there are old MySQL versions that would not like comments?
Well... I don't know. I just think that parsing scheme sould have been designed to accept comments in queries for a while or else every client would have to include a query parser to remove comments, which is not really acceptable. One parser is enough.
In version 2.1.0 from Tobias, removal of comments was all but very smart : $sql = ereg_replace("#[^\n]*\n", "", $sql);
In fact I think Tobias had just thought it would speed up the SQL query when adding this small feature. ChangeLog doesn't say anything about a bug involving comments in queries...
PS: if you want to see original 2.1.0 sources, go to http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/phpnextadmin/phpMyAdmin/ :)))