> Hi Willian,
> You don't need to run phpcs yourself, we have a continuous integration
> server that runs it every 10 minutes provided that there are new
> commits on master. Just select "checkstyle warnings" in the left menu
> on this page:http://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/
> Bye,
> Rouslan
Hi Rouslan,
But how should i test my changes in localhost before a pull request ?
Are there any way?
Thank you very much.
Hi Marc,
I used following command to update my git repo in GitHub.
git remote add upstream git://github.com/thilinaa/phpmyadmin.git
git fetch upstream
But it did not work for my repo. Please give me some suggestions.
Thilina Buddika Abeyrathna,
Department of Computer Engineering,
Faculty Of Engineering,
University of Peradeniya,
Sri Lanka.
Hi Michal,
In the community bonding period I would like to sort out the issues I face
when I install the Jenkins server. I refer to this tutorial [0] for
installation. Once I installed the Jenkins server I couldn't restart
the Apache server. So I re-installed Apache. Can you suggest any manual
installing instruction or a tutorial that can I use and get familiar with
Yasitha Pandithawatta
Computer Science and Engineering Department
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
[0] -
I got a question from a student I am mentoring, about using many feature
branches in his tree. Here is the answer that apply (at least) to the
two students I mentor.
Because the sub-projects on the schedule are linear, my opinion is that
it will be simpler to just use the master branch, completing one feature
before starting the next one.
Of course, the student has to frequently merge origin/master (origin
being [0]) to his master branch or to all of his feature branches, to
keep up with what happens in the "common" tree.
Moreover, if the student has many branches and modifies the same file in
more than one branch, cross-merging between his branches has to be done
and this require more planning.
There won't be a "final" merging at the end of GSoC. From the student
guide [1], "Push every change you've done so that we can track your
progress. GSoC has few deadlines, but we want to see and merge your code
continuously! "
[0] git@github.com:phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git
[1] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2012_Student_Guide
Marc Delisle