Hi guys,
This is the public portion of my report back on MySQL UC 2006.
Thanks to: - MySQL/O'Reilly for inviting us. - Seb Le Tuan, one of the CouchSurfing.com founders, for letting me stay in his spare bedroom. - Seb's mother, for inviting us for dinner one night. - The rest of you guys, for offering me the chance to go to Silicon Valley.
Saturday (before leaving): - Prepared and printed 11"x17" phpMyAdmin posters. - Prepared and printed PMA business cards with our logo, my name, my email, our website, and my PGP key. - I'll upload the template/datafiles for the posters and cards for anybody else that wants them - you'll need Adobe Illustrator CS2 and InDesign CS2 to edit them, so I'll put up PDFs as well.
Sunday: - Left home early, all of check-in, US security, and US immigration took me a record 23 minutes. There was nobody in line for check-in, and only one person in front of me for security. I'd allocated 2 hours for all of this process, as that's close to what it's taken before. - No free wireless in Vancouver, read a book instead. - Arrived Portland, airport now has public free wireless. Waited for next flight and read more. - Arrived San Jose on time, met with Seb, had dinner.
Monday: - Got a ride with Seb as far as his office, and took transit from there. - Arrived conference centre just before noon after going around on transit - it really isn't a transit city - you really need to be on the main transit lines or have a car in future. The DotOrg area was not yet ready for any setup stuff, so had lunch instead, and sat coding for a bit. - Set up booth with posters, see photos. - Rode the light rail transit (very similar to the Karlsruhe trams), and saw downown Mountain View (see more photos, but I didn't find Google). - Was invited to dinner with Seb's mother and stepfather.
Tuesday: - Early start, Seb dropped me off at the convention centre first thing, and I got everything else ready, including my demo of PMA
Tuesday/Wednesdayi common things: - The HP booth was across the aisle from our booth, and one of their guys came over to talk to me - he's from HP Beijing, and offers us many thanks for making phpMyAdmin - and he gave me/us a set of chopsticks from HP Beijing as a token of thanks. - Visitors to the exhibit area mainly came between the sessions (thanks to the free snacks from IBM and MySQL), but there were also a number of exhibits only folk, coming all the time. - During quiet periods, I took a walk around and saw some of the other booths. There is a lot of focus on commercial clustering/replication, followed by MySQL support, business inteligence/reporting and then backup solutions and other things. - I had at least 10 inquiries about how to help support the project, one of which will probably be donated code, and the rest were primarily wondering how to give us some money back - since they make such large use of our work. I pointed out the SF donation page, and said to email us if they wanted to do large amounts or something different. - A lot of big names bundle/use PMA with their offerings: HP, IBM, Novell/SuSE, Rackspace, SugarCRM, SCO, Sun, UniSys, Google and more. They were glad to see us there, and noted a few general things: Their customers sometimes hit a blank page and have a hard time tracing it down - mainly due to us turnings errors off. They would like errors turned back on, to help them trace things. The IE/Gzip bug is not involved, as many of them turn off gzip to avoid it. It might be nice to detect Internet explorer and disable obzip when we have $cfg['OBGzip'] = 'auto'; - Also met some users from big places that use PMA - Los Alamos National Lab, Livermore Lab, US DoD, etc. One of the Los Alamos guys said if we were passing thru and the lab was in a low-security time (no classified projects going on), he'd give us a tour. - Similar to the previous item, I had a few users bring their laptops, with reproduced bugs to show me - mainly configuration errors compounded by the new system (old config files reused), and user error. Turning on error display would help us a lot. - There was one very interesting real bug - the user had a replicated database. Using 'DROP TABLE' on the master via the commandline, replicated fine. Doing the same on the master via PMA didn't replicate. - I took a quick survey of all GUI tools that were represented at the conference, or that any of the MySQL folk could think of. PMA was the oldest, having started in 1998. The next competitor emerged shortly before we started on SourceForge in 2001. Navicat and Webyog
Wednesday: - Spoke to Monty in the afternoon, and picked his brain about the oldest GUI, he also believes it was PMA, but he said he'd check the collected archives of MySQL email to be sure. He also mentioned something lacking in PMA, and other apps in general at the moment - lack of a good form builder tool for web interfaces, that is capable of hooking up the form to the database directly - there's too much manual work involved still. - Packed up my booth stuff, as the exhibit portion was only Tues/Weds. - The O'Reilly folk say that we're welcome at OSCON in Portland, end of July 2006. I may be able to make it there, not certain, as I'm getting married 3 weeks after that ;-). - One of the PMA users asked if I had dinner plans, as I didn't we had dinner and discussed PMA/MySQL stuff.
Thursday: - Did some sight-seeing around Silicon Valley, having never been down here before, I can recommend 'The Tech' museum in downtown San Jose. - Cooked a thanks dinner for Seb, incl. my family secret chocolate sauce recipe to put on the desert.
Friday: - Up early for travelling, security wasn't too bad again, 45 minutes processing time in at San Jose, almost entirely waiting for security. - Flight from Portland to Vancouver was delayed due to maintenance problems with the plane, arrived an hour late.
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 16:33:39 -0700 "Robin H. Johnson" robbat2@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
This is the public portion of my report back on MySQL UC 2006.
Thanks for detailed report ;-).
Any chance to get something not that closed? For example SVG?
Could you please file requests you remember to bugs/feature tracker?
Well I actually never understood what people expect from such feature. We have it quite long in feature tracker [1].
1. https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=909506&gro...
Robin H. Johnson a écrit :
Robin, are you talking about this bug: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1448471&gro...
IMO it's caused by mod_gzip, regardless of our $cfg['OBGzip'] setting.