I feel that http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Gettext_for_developers should
mention something about whether it is useful/needed to run the output of
__('Default') through htmlspecialchars.
To the best of my knowledge this is not needed, and just adds overhead.
But a quick grep in the code pointed me to 23 lines doing this.
Please correct me if I'm wrong here...Michal?
Met vriendelijke groet / Regards,
Herman van Rink
Initfour websolutions
When I run phpMyAdmin (latest master) I get an error in FIrebug
console: window.parent.currentWidth is not a function.
It's caused by this line in functions.js:
if(window.parent.currentWidth() == 0)
Piotr Przybylski
Hi Tyron
your changes include unprotected (does not require user being logged in
and no token check) file file_echo.php, which allows to download
arbitrary data. This could be easily used by attacker to pretend data
is coming from safe location (where phpMyAdmin is running), while it
would actually come from attacker.
I've removed defining of PMA_MINUMUM_COMMON (which does skip all the
checks) from this file. As you already seem to pass token with the
request, no other change should be needed, but please take care of such
dangerous code in future.
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com
With Firebug I had a look at the network traffic when I click a data
point to edit it: I was surprised to see none.
IMO this is not good: it means that all the columns for all rows are in
memory, making the browser able to handle far less rows.
Is there a reason why you are reading the complete rows to generate the
plot? I expected that you would just read the necessary columns, then
use AJAX to read a complete row when the user wants to edit it.
Marc Delisle
Hi Marc,
I went through other options which could be able to ajaxify. I found
following issues with them.
1. Since "Move Table to database" option should redirect to the moved
table in the new database, we have to anyhow refresh the "Frame content"
after this action. So there is no point of applying ajax behavior to it.
2. For "*Table options*" if I add the ajax behavior to submit the form
without reloading the page I may need to replace all the table parameters
which are currently embedded with the "*href*" attributes in the whole
page. As an example it I change the table name from "actor" to "actor1"
using "*Table options*" I may need to change the "*href*" of all four
links in "*Table maintenance*" and "*Delete data or table*" to actor1 by
using ajax. Is it okay to do that.
3. In "*Delete data or table*" section currently there is a "*
("#truncate_tbl_anchor").live('click'')*" action in functions.js file. In
there after using the $.get() function, the two frames are reloaded. We can
modify this action to stay at the same page after "*Truncate the table*".
We cannot apply ajax to "*Delete the table(Drop)*" option because anyhow
we have to quit the "*Table options*" after deleting the table.
I think all the options in "*Table maintenance*" section need ajax behavior
(process without reloading the page). If you find any of the above mentioned
options need changes can you please comment on those. I'll work with
ajaxifying the "*Table maintenance*" section and update you as soon as
L G Thilanka Kaushalya
Computer Science & Engineering,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka
Connect with me at,
Gmail : lgtkaushalya(a)gmail.com
Twitter : @thilanka_k
Facebook : Thilanka Kaushalya
Yahoo : lgtkaushalya(a)yahoo.com
Blog : http://coders-view.blogspot.com/
Tyron, you again forgot to reply to list :-)
Dne Tue, 2 Aug 2011 20:43:35 +0300
Tyron Madlener <tyronx(a)gmail.com> napsal(a):
> Yes I know, he actually asked for donations of 2000 euro for adding
> line wrap, and decides to do nothing as he received only 300 eur 5
> days later.
> But there's some people who have written some code for linewrap, like
> here: http://groups.google.com/group/codemirror/browse_thread/thread/6f3308fc16ea…
> In my opinion, some sort of line wrapping should be implemented before
> 3.5 is released as stable. But I'm pretty sure we could get something
> to work, the problem of line wrapping itself is not really difficult
> to solve.
Yes, that's definitely something to solve before 3.5 will be released.
However based on past experience the release will take some time to
stabilize and we will probably not release earlier than December, what
still gives us some time.
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://phpmyadmin.cz
just a reminder about the navigation panel refresh issue, since it does
not appear in your weekly report.
Marc Delisle
Whenever I try to browse the phpmyadmin db i get the following error:
SELECT tracking_active FROM.WHERE `db_name` = 'phpmyadmin'
AND `table_name` = 'pma_bookmark'
MySQL said:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'WHERE `db_name` = 'phpmyadmin' AND `table_name` =
'pma_bookmark' ORDER BY vers' at line 1
Now I looked into the code and saw the culprit is Tracker.class.php in
function init() where self::$pma_table is set. At that point
$GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['pmadb'] and ['tracking'] is just empty.
Anyone know why?
Hi all
as of now, the master branch contains CodeMirror 2 [1] editor which is
being used for SQL editing. Please test and report any failures with it.
The MySQL mode was written by me and keywords list is based on our SQL
parser, so if something is missing there, most likely our SQL parser
misses it as well :-).
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com